Local Life Deadlines 2024/2026

MonthSt HelensWIganWigan NorthVillages
Jun/Jul 2408/05/2413/05/24
Jul/Aug 2412/06/2404/06/24
Aug/Sep 2425/06/2403/07/24
Sep/Oct 2421/08/2413/08/24
Oct/Nov 2410/09/2418/09/24
Nov/Dec 2416/10/2408/10/24
Dec/Jan 24/2505/11/2412/11/24
Jan/Feb 2510/12/2405/12/24
Feb/Mar 2514/01/2522/01/25
Mar/Apr 2519/02/2511/02/25
Apr/May 2511/03/2519/03/25
May/Jun 2515/04/2507/04/25
Jun/Jul 2506/05/2513/05/25
Jul/Aug 2509/06/2503/06/25
Aug/Sep 2525/06/2502/07/25
Sep/Oct 2520/08/2512/08/25
Oct/Nov 2509/09/2517/09/25
Nov/Dec 2515/10/2507/10/25
Dec/Jan 25/2604/11/2512/11/25
Jan/Feb 2609/12/2504/12/25

"I’m pleased to say that every customer we have introduced to Local Life has had a direct and noticeable response. Both us, and our clients, love the publications and they are now one of the first types of local advertising we suggest when putting together promotional campaigns."
Elaine Rimmer – Platinum Advertising & Design Ltd