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Coach Ramble
Each month Wigan Rambling and Climbing Club run a coach ramble offering 3 different walks ranging from 8 miles to 13 miles. The next one of these trips is to...
Sailing Taster Day
Join the West Lancashire Yacht Club for a free sailing taster day. Try sailing in a dinghy with an experienced instructor. Places bookable on 07788 370257.
Warburton’s History Talk
David Tomlinson presents a talk on the history of Warburton’s Bakery, with the West Lancashire Heritage Association. Tickets £20 from Bob on 07779 852172.
Winstanley Tennis Club Open Day
Winstanley Tennis Club Hall Lane, OrrellAnyone for tennis? Then why not swing into the summer by coming along to the first Open Day of the season! Bring all the family for an afternoon of free...