Easter Egg Bingo
Join the Garswood Crochet Group for some Easter-themed bingo, with fabulous prizes to be won. Proceeds to Willowbrook Hospice.
Newton Le Willows Gardeners’ Association
Talk & Demonstration by Marguerite Hughes & Sue Gillon entitled Herbs & Companion Planting. Plants for sale, raffle, free admission. you do not need to be a member to attend.
Death of a Salesman
A classic play about the downfall of the American Dream performed by Southport Dramatic Club. Tickets £10-£12 on 01704 530521 or 01704 530460.
Ormskirk Tennis Club Open Day
Enjoy a warm welcome at your local community tennis club, meet members and coaches and enjoy a game or two. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome from complete beginners to returners and team players. Feel free to drop in by yourself or with friends and family, all equipment will be provided and staff...
Around the World in Music
Travel ‘Around the World in Music’ with the Southport Salvation Army Band and vocalist Bobby Irvine. Tickets £4 on 01704 547805.
Coffee Morning at The Hotties Café
Everyone is welcome to come along and join St Helens and Warrington Oddfellows Friendly Society at their monthly coffee morning at The Hotties Café located inside The World of Glass. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and see what the friendly group gets up to.
French Connections
Gordon Bartley returns with a talk about the amazing scenery of France from the hustle and bustle of Paris, the tranquil beauty of wine-producing areas like the Loire Valley to the magnificence of Mont Blanc and the French Alps. Fantastic scenery captured by a professional photographer.
Orrell Eggcrafters Easter Eggstravanganza
St Lukes Parish Hall Lodge Road, OrrellCome & join us at our Easter-Spring event. Members egg competition and Faberge style eggs for sale. Cake stall and light refreshments available. New members welcome, contact 01942 216552 for further details.
The Armed Man & Gloria
Our Lady's Church School Lane, FormbyFormby Choral Society present Karl Jenkins’ ‘The Armed Man’ and John Rutter’s ‘Gloria’. Tickets £10 or U-19s free, bookable on 0151 929 3617.
Becconsall Flower Club
Flower demonstration - Wildstyle by Emily Waddington of Clitheroe