Spring Market

Browse a number of stalls including homemade cakes and pies, bric-a-brac, jewellery, handbags, toys and more, plus a raffle and tombola. Have a go at guessing the name of Tunley's Easter bunny and win great prizes.

Grand Charity Night

Enjoy a great night of dancing and music, with entertainment from top DJs Harold & Christine and vocalist Leah Wallis. Tickets £6, available from 01695 623902, 01942 236953 or 01744 345073. Proceeds go to The Brick.

Song & Dance Night

Wigan’s Thistle Society present a night of Scottish song and dancing, with opportunities to join in – plus refreshments and a raffle. Tickets £5 for adults or £2 for children – for more info, call Paula on 01942 680008 or Margaret on 01942 247403.

Zumbathon Fundraiser

Expert local Zumba instructors will be dancing for 2.5 hours in support of Cancer Research UK and MIND. Raffle tickets and prizes available. Tickets £5 and donations welcome.

Indoor Car Boot

Grab yourself a bargain at the indoor car boot sale! Free entry, plenty of refreshments available.

Choir Concert

The Parkside Colliery Male Voice Choir perform a beautiful concert. Tickets £8 including light refreshments, available from the church.

There’ll Be Bluebirds Over

See war break out across Britain with songs, radio programmes and many memories performed by the Wigan Musical Theatre Group. Tickets £9 adults or £8 concessions, bookable from Julie on 07598 508004 or ticketswmtg@gmail.com

Children on Titanic Talk

A fascinating talk looks at what life was like for children onboard RMS Titanic, including why so many died in the cold water of the Atlantic. Places bookable on 01942 828128 or wiganmuseum@wigan.gov.uk

Spring Clean

Join volunteers from Appley Bridge Community Association to litter pick and clean the grot spots around Appley Bridge. Meet at the SPAR shop.

Ladies Race Day

Enjoy race day events watching the Grand National in support of Whiz-Kids, plus gin tasting and a raffle. Dress to impress. Tickets £25, available from Sarah on 07540 811010 or sarah.cathie@hotmail.com


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