Chorley Ramblers Walk for Children
A Toadstool Hunt for a "Fun Guy or Gal" Scramblers childrens walk led by members of Chorley Ramblers. Adults must be accompanied by a child. Walk from Hesketh Arms to...
Spooky Walk
Bring your torch for a walk in the dark with some spooky stuff along the way. £5 per child, adults £2 – booking essential at
Fancy a Nibble Cake Club
Are you a baker who loves baking, eating and talking about cake? Yes? Then our cake club is just for you! We are a group of likeminded bakers who meet...
LAL: Make the Most of Your Tablet
This course will help you to understand the layout of the tablet you are using, how it works, how to maintain it and how to download apps to customise it...
Flowers & Pumpkins – Floristry Workshop
Learn 3 different ways to create Floral Arrangements in a Pumpkin and choose your favourite to make. Includes 3x Floral Demos, all of your Flowers, Foliage and Pumpkins, plus receive...
Bury Market Trip
Join us for a full day of bargain hunting and a great chance to make a start on the Christmas shopping at Bury's world famous market located next door to...
Ocean Plastics Talk
Chris Glaze presents a talk on the damage caused by ocean plastics and how they harm marine life and coastal habitats. Entry £4 or £2 for children.
Jack the Ripper: The Real Story
Retired murder squad detective Trevor Marriott delves into the real truth behind the Jack the Ripper murders. Tickets £12 on 01704 533333.
Family History for Beginners
In this 6 week course, you will learn how to research your family history and trace your ancestors using websites and other genealogy resources. The course is for beginners or...
Family History for Beginners
In this 6 week course, you will learn how to research your family history and trace your ancestors using websites and other genealogy resources. The course is for beginners or...