Robbie Williams Tribute

Celebrate Mother’s Day weekend with fantastic Robbie Williams tribute Matt Byrne. Tickets £15 including a sandwich platter – call 01695 422 688 or 07749 053323 to book.

Easter Bingo

Enjoy fun family bingo in support of local charities, with plenty of chocolatey prizes! Entry £1 per adult or 50p per child, then £1 per book or 20p per flyer. Hot dogs and sandwiches available, plus a raffle.

There’ll Be Bluebirds Over

See war break out across Britain with songs, radio programmes and many memories performed by the Wigan Musical Theatre Group. Tickets £9 adults or £8 concessions, bookable from Julie on 07598 508004 or

Children on Titanic Talk

A fascinating talk looks at what life was like for children onboard RMS Titanic, including why so many died in the cold water of the Atlantic. Places bookable on 01942 828128 or

Chorley Railways Talk

Local historian Steve Williams presents a talk on railway lines and stations in Chorley, dating back to 1840. The history of Croston and Euxton stations will be covered. Free entry.

Meet the Author: Margaret Lambert

The author behind The Rufford Rose discusses her volunteer conservation work at Rufford Old Hall and her novel, which combines mystery, romance and plenty of history. Free, but booking required at the library or on Eventbrite.

Bingo Night

Play fun bingo games and enjoy tea, coffee and cakes. Books can be purchased on arrival.

Church Group Launch

Enjoy the official launch of the Friends of St. Laurence’s Church with songs from the stage and screen, a jazz swing band interval and a two-course supper! Tickets £15 available from the church, The Bees Country Kitchen and

Spring Clean

Join volunteers from Appley Bridge Community Association to litter pick and clean the grot spots around Appley Bridge. Meet at the SPAR shop.


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