Coach Ramble

Each month Wigan Rambling and Climbing Club run a coach ramble offering 3 different walks ranging from 8 miles to 13 miles. The next one of these trips is to Malham in the Yorkshire Dales on Sunday 29th March. Coach cost is £14 for non-members. To book a place contact Vicky on 07583-544220.

Gathurst Golf Club Open Day

Free golf lessons for juniors, ladies Get into Golf initiative and numerous membership offers for families and players up to 40 years of age. Come along and enjoy a buggy ride to view the course and free refreshments in the clubhouse.

Computer Basics with Learn My Way

If you want to learn computer basics, or improve your knowledge contact the library to sign up. Our experienced volunteer will assist you getting online and getting to grips with this new course, which you can complete within the library.

Coffee Morning at The Hotties Café

Everyone is welcome to come along and join St Helens and Warrington Oddfellows Friendly Society at their monthly coffee morning at The Hotties Café located inside The World of Glass. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and see what the friendly group gets up to.

Wigan Memorials Talk

David Long presents an illustrated talk on the lost and existing war memorials across Wigan. Entry £3 including hot drinks, bookable on 01942 828128.

French Connections

Gordon Bartley returns with a talk about the amazing scenery of France from the hustle and bustle of Paris, the tranquil beauty of wine-producing areas like the Loire Valley to the magnificence of Mont Blanc and the French Alps. Fantastic scenery captured by a professional photographer.

Elixir of Love

Merseyside Opera Viva perform Donizelli’s sparkling comic opera, The Elixir of Love. Tickets £15 on 0151 558 1552 or

Car Boot and Table Top Sale

Lowton St. Mary's Community Hall Newton Road, Lowton, Warrington

Pitches: Inside £10; Outside £7 pre-booked, £8 on the day. Lots of bargains! Come and have a browse. Refreshments available

Great British Dog Walk for Hearing Dogs

Haigh Woodland Park School Lane, Haigh, Wigan

This fun-filled dog walk supporting charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, comes to Haigh Woodland Park for the first time on Saturday 4th April. The event raises funds to help the charity train more dogs to alert deaf children and adults to important and life-saving sounds, helping them to leave loneliness behind. With two routes,...

Orrell Eggcrafters Easter Eggstravanganza

St Lukes Parish Hall Lodge Road, Orrell

Come & join us at our Easter-Spring event. Members egg competition and Faberge style eggs for sale. Cake stall and light refreshments available. New members welcome, contact 01942 216552 for further details.


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